Hardware and software for scanning probe microscopy

Metrology scanning probe microscope

Metrology scanning probe microscope is a system used for traceability transfer from lasers (primary length standards) to micro- and nanoscale. It is based on a specialized home-build SPM using Physik Instrumente three-axis table (as a scanner), simple AFM head using Atmel microcontroller as a digital signal processor, six axis interferometric system for monitoring sample movement and thermally protecting chamber.

Metrology scanning probe microscope is described in the following article:

J. Lazar, P. Klapetek, O. Èíp, M. ÈíŸek, M. ©erý, Local probe microscopy with interferometric monitoring of the stage nanopositioning Meas. Sci. Technol., 20, 084007

Statistical analysis of AFM data

During my university studies I focused on statistical analysis of AFM data, in particular connected with randomly rough surfaces. This means evaluating statistical functions and parameters (correlation functions, height and angular distributions, fractal properties), and grain analysis (grain segmentation, meand grain size and geometry). Some procedures and their results can be found in my publications. Extensive overview is also in my PhD thesis.

Most of the statistical analysis methods form parts of the Gwyddion project.

      (c) Petr Klapetek 2004